
Haven River Inn Chapel project near completion
Haven River Inn Chapel project near completion

Haven River Inn Chapel project near completion

Under the guidance of Lamb’s Tale Ministries, the Haven River Inn, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, provides respite care for those in full-time ministry. Lamb’s Tale Ministries’ mission is to allow those serving in ministry a time to reflect on their calling and have an opportunity to refresh their minds and souls. Lamb’s Tale Ministries relies solely on donors to provide the funds necessary for their stay. The Haven River Inn is compensated at a reduced rate for this service to help serve God’s purpose.

Olney Chamber of Commerce Deidra Choat-Brown
Olney Chamber of Commerce Deidra Choat-Brown

Olney Chamber of Commerce Deidra Choat-Brown

In Jan. 2021, the Olney Chamber of Commerce hired Deidre Choat-Brown as the new executive director. Chamber Board President Anna Rogers said they hired Choat-Brown for many reasons, and they were especially convinced when she said she was willing to put in the work to excel on the job. “Deidre has a lot of passion for everything that she does. And she is very detail-oriented, a great communicator, and we believe she will do a great job of being that liaison between the board and the community,” Rogers said. “Deidre told us in her first email inquiring about the job that even if she needed to train for some of the tasks required for the job, she was willing to put in that time and effort. We are excited to have her.”

Spiller replaces Springer in HD 68 election

Spiller replaces Springer in HD 68 election

David Spiller (Rep.) defeated Craig Carter (Rep.) for the HD 68 seat to replace Senator Drew Springer (Rep.). Having the support of former candidates John Berry and Jason Brinkley helped to push Spiller to the win along with the backing from former Governor Rick Perry, who said, “I strongly urge conservatives to join behind David Spiller. He is a strong conservative you can trust.”



As we journey through this life, patient endurance is something that the Lord will teach every one of His children. For the Lord Himself is patient, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love. The Lord is sovereign and has a set time for which He has fixed to accomplish His will in those Whom He has bought with His blood, just as it is written, “In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.” Therefore the one who seeks to learn patience, is one who will set his face upon the promises of God. This is the man who will persevere even through the darkest of all times. For when the tempest hurls its mighty wind across the turbulent sea, it is the patient man who anchors his boat on the shore who will arrive safely to his destination without any loss of cargo. You too, my brethren, be patient.
