
City Council Meeting held Feb. 8

Olney City Council met Monday, Feb. 8, at City Hall. Mayor Rue Rogers called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. The Councilmembers present included Mayor Pro- Tem Tom Parker, Phil Jeske, Tommy Kimbro, Chuck Stennett and Terri Wipperman. The meeting began with an invocation by City Administrator Neal Welch.

Archer & Gunn Mercantile
Archer & Gunn Mercantile

Archer & Gunn Mercantile

Archer & Gunn Mercantile (A&GM), Olney’s newest business to open, sells mostly hunting supplies and is a great fit for Olney and the surrounding area. Owner operator Reid Miller says, “The idea to open the mercantile happened organically. We have a group in town who are making improvements to Olney and we were able to obtain this building and started shooting ideas around, talking to some guys in town and talking with Sammy Livingston, who had some ideas on this sort of stuff and helped get it launched.”
