
Who we are at 22 years
Who we are at 22 years

Who we are at 22 years

It was a difficult place to find, and we are both the sort who have difficulty finding most places. Finally, we spotted the unassuming, humbly small sign and then stepped off of the bright concrete of an unfamiliar cityscape into a dark little romantic restaurant. It wasn’t the kind of place we frequent, and maybe that’s one reason that we loved it so much. We sat at a tiny table with fresh flowers on it and laughed at how little we understood about the menu in front of us.

Will B. Different

Will B. Different

If there is one thing I have learned about humans, it is that we are all different in some way. Being different is OK. God creates the most interesting and fascinating people. What may be different about me may seem strange to you and vice versa. But if the world and the people in it were all the same it would just plain be a boring place.
