Cub Center Chats By Pat Curtis

Cub Center Chats By Pat Curtis

What? We’re halfway through December! We’ve been traveling at warp speed, and that cherub 2022 will be here in another week. The beautiful lights are twinkling around town, and yard decorations are positioned in place to greet that jolly man in that red suit. Remember when you were a young kid, and you wanted to stay awake to see Santa, but the Sandman came and sent you to Slumberland? Oh, the excitement of discovering those much-anticipated toys and treat-filled stockings! Ahh!

Jerri Ford is retiring, and her last day as director of the Senior Cub Center will be Dec. 30. She has given a big chunk of her life to the Center and weathered a few storms because of COVID illnesses, but she has enjoyed her tenure tremendously. The board of directors invites you to her party on the 30th during lunchtime to honor her dedication and devotion to the Center. If you want to eat with us on that day, call ahead to reserve a meal, please.

Did anyone brave the very early hours to watch the peak of the meteor shower on the 14th? I usually set my alarm to remind myself to get in my car and find a dark spot to observe an astronomical occurrence that comes at night. Losing a little sleep is well worth the memories created.

Now for a little look into Texas.

The official nickname for Texas is ‘The Lone Star State,’ and Austin is known as the ‘Live Music Capital of the World.’

Waco is noted for developing that tasty drink “Dr. Pepper.” Yum!

The pledge to the Texas flag:

Honor the Texas Flag. I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible.

Did you know Olney has a live oak tree from Stephen F. Austin’s own live oak? Yes, and Gerald Butler has the scoop on that! Ask him about the tree, and he can fill you in and even tell you its location if you are interested. It is a fascinating story!

Speaking of trees, I’m sure you’ve noticed that many of them around here have lost their leaves. Those beautiful green trees have been transformed into brown branches.

Many may think they are ugly, but they have a lovely beauty all their own. The intricate patterns of the branches differ from species to species, and when highlighted at dawn and dusk, they are stunning! So, open our eyes and let us see the beauty that surrounds us.

December birthdays: Linda Grey-7, Wendell Flanders-12, Gib Wright-21.

We are so grateful for the donations and grants that start arriving during the holiday season, the season of giving. We are still reeling from the loss of funds due to the pandemic but hope to recover without shutting the dining hall again eventually.

Quip: Middle age is when we know all the answers, and nobody ever asks us the questions.

Have a great week and spend some time talking and listening to a friend. Time is uncertain, so share your thoughts and feelings. Don’t be afraid to say, ‘I love you.’