
Get Your Spin On FREE CLASSES at The Refuge
Get Your Spin On FREE CLASSES at The Refuge
Get Your Spin On FREE CLASSES at The Refuge

Get Your Spin On FREE CLASSES at The Refuge

Are you looking for a fun activity that will burn between 400-600 calories in 30 minutes with low impact on your joints? If your answer is ‘yes,’ consider attending a spin class. Would you get excited if I told you that there would be $0 out-of-pocket expenses, you don’t need to own a bike or have experience riding a bike, and you could get your spin on in an air-conditioned room? So, what are you waiting for?

Journaling with a pen pal

Journaling with a pen pal

Sitting in a doctor’s office waiting room, there were screens running information about many health issues. There was a list of many things a person can do to maintain a healthy body. Diet and exercise were included, but the one that caught my eye was the “check in with yourself ” title. The picture was of a woman writing in a journal.
