
Market Days
Market Days
Market Days

Market Days

Catie Carls, founder of Olney Market Days wanted to do something special for our furry friends and hosted and Furry Friends Saturday theme for Aprils Olney Market Days. The market was hosted at Hudson’s soon to open new restaurant off Main St. Olney. The market had the usual vendors but added to the list for this event was the Chipping for dogs and cats by the Humane So- ciety of Young County, City of Olney for registration and tags and rabies vaccinations for $18 by the Salt Creek Veterinary Hospital.

Interview: Rev. David Carpenter

Interview: Rev. David Carpenter

Reverend David Carpenter’s journey to the ministry was not a straight path. God began tugging at his heart in high school. Despite an initial desire to study history, Rev. Carpenter found that his calling intensified after college, leading him to obtain a master’s degree in Arkansas in 1993 and subsequently enroll at Memphis Theological Seminary. Ordained in 1998, Rev. Carpenter has dedicated his life to preaching and serving his community ever since.

Life is Like Making Soup

Life is Like Making Soup

It was a cold winter day, and I decided to make soup. I gathered ingredients that were available and made it up as I went…a delicious pot of beefy, vegetable soup. I made a pan of cornbread, and voila’—a tasty winter meal. And, it all freezes well for a wonderful meal some other day.

What I Still Haven’t Really Learned

What I Still Haven’t Really Learned

I’ve been working out my salvation with fear and trembling for about 38 years. God has been so good. He has been patient and kind and encouraging and powerful. He has turned me around and forced me to look up and has put a burning desire within me to speak the truth and to try to live the truth. I have grown so much, but there are some things I still haven’t really learned. And these are the things that keep me tethered in large and small ways to this world, that make me love myself more than I love Christ. If I could only pray one prayer for my next decade, it would be that I truly learn that these are the things that stunt my sanctification and that grieve the good God who rescued me.
