
Lil Cub Relay fills Cub Stadium with fans, parents
Lil Cub Relay fills Cub Stadium with fans, parents
Lil Cub Relay fills Cub Stadium with fans, parents

Lil Cub Relay fills Cub Stadium with fans, parents

Each spring, the children of Olney fill Cub Stadium to compete in the annual Lil Cub Relays. The spring event is a month-long contest of running and jumping events to promote competition, sportsmanship and help prepare children for years of athletics. The children are there to just have fun with friends and family as they compete for ribbons and make new friends. Parents, friends and family will fill the stands this season. Come out and root these future Cubs and Lady Cubs at one of two events left for the season, April 13 and April 27, 10 a.m. at Cub Stadium.
