
Will B. For War

Will B. For War

I am not exactly for war but I am for war if it means protecting freedom, democracy and an oppressive regime from taking over another country. I’ve been waiting to write about my thoughts on the war in the Ukraine was most likely a good thing. When it comes to how I feel about Russia invading the Ukraine, it’s best to have a cooling off before sitting down to type out my thoughts.

Sr. Cub Center Chats

Sr. Cub Center Chats

In the blink of an eye yards were transformed from brown to green. A day, one day, after the rain and ‘poof ’ the green shoots sprung up. Amazing Mother Nature at work doing her magical things! These spring mornings bring such joy as birds tweet, chirp, and harmonize their voices to create masterpieces that rival those produced by Mozart himself. What a delightful way to begin the day! Those harbingers of spring, those red-chested robins, have been feasting on the smorgasbord of earthworms that the rain coaxed closer to the surface of the ground recently. Ahh, so much beauty to behold!
