


Whoop ta do! We crisped that bacon; we cooked those sausage patties; we brewed that coffee; we chilled the milk and orange juice; we flipped those pancakes; we greeted our guests! What a joy to hear the lovely chatter and laughter -- it made hearts happy. Yes, our pancake breakfast fundraiser for 2022 is now history. Thank you, thank you to all who came, thank you for generous donations, and thank you for the smiles you generously gave . What a day it was!! A special thank you to 3-T MEATS and STEWART’S FOOD STORE -- they donated all the meat!!! What a great town and what great people! We are so grateful for the generosity shown us!

Don’t overlook importance of cash

Don’t overlook importance of cash

If you’re an investor, you no doubt pay a great deal of attention to your stocks, bonds and mutual funds. But you shouldn’t forget another key element of your financial strategy: cash. Cash is part of any financial strategy and investment portfolio, but how much have you thought about the different uses of cash, and how much you really need? Consider these four key purposes:
