
Cub Center creates fun at Game Night
Cub Center creates fun at Game Night

Cub Center creates fun at Game Night

Candy Blair, activity director for the Young County-Olney Senior Cub Center continues to add many new activities for the community to come together and have some wholesome fun. The June game night at the Cub Center was a success. With a few less in attendance due to vacation bible camp going on, the night still had plenty of attendees who enjoyed a potluck dinner provided by attendees. Games, laughter and great conversation was had by all including members of the League of Extraordinary Chickenfooters, a tight knit group of friends who meet at the Cub Center each Thursday at 1 p.m. to play chickenfoot. The club is always looking for more members who are interested in playing the fun and social game. For more information about Cub Center happenings please visit their Facebook page at: Young County Senior Cub Center.

Precious Blood
Precious Blood

Precious Blood

The grace of God is the very essence of the gospel. It is woven into the fabric of God’s character, and without it man would be forever lost. It is God’s abundant grace that beats with every heartbeat of a believer, giving him hope to see another day. Praise be to God for His reigning grace in the life of all whom He calls, for the scriptures tell us, “where sin increased, His grace abounded all the more.” This grace not only abounds and triumphs over sin, but it reigns through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Christ’s precious blood is the only means by which we can stand anchored in grace and have salvation. Through Christ, every child is required to fight against sin, as sins desire to possess them.

We Are Walking on Holy Ground

We Are Walking on Holy Ground

A few weeks ago, my firstborn sang a solo at her church. During the school year, she attends church in the far away city where her university is, and it has been an adjustment for both of us. For me, church is, in part, sitting at the front with all of my little children in a row, even though my second baby towers over me now, and the third and I are currently wearing the same size shoe. It happens quickly, this growing and wing spreading, and before you know it, your pew of little children changes into a pew of gangly teenagers, and then dwindles as one by one they head out to make their way in this hard, wonderful world.
