Young County Commissioners Court meeting held on Mon. Feb. 8

Young County Commissioners Court held a meeting on Monday, Feb. 8.

The meeting began with public comments, followed by the receipt of hotel occupancy tax report for $5,309.10 in the month of Dec. 2020, was approved from the Wildcatter Ranch & Resort.

Next on the agenda was discussing the treasurer’s financial report, and the updates on securities pledged. The court then moved on to their consideration of the auditors budget amendments and vouchers payable. The court also approved extension agents from the December report--request for reimbursement for Penny Berend and Savanna Williams. The January activity reports for jail and the sheriff ’s office were discussed by Sheriff Babcock.

The court continued forward on the agenda by discussing the Texas Association of Counties annual county membership dues of $955.00. Next on the agenda was to consider applications and permits for cross country road to construct pipeline or utility from the Brazos Telephone. The New Commissioner of Precinct #1, Stacy Creswell, discussed the two applications permitted to install an entry culvert on the Salem Loop. The court then modified and amended subdivision rules and regulations. The court addressed the department of permitting and public services about modifications to job descriptions and potential renaming 9-1- 1. The court discussed and considered burn restrictions before adjourning.

Look for the Feb. 22 meeting summary in the next issue.