National Honor Society Inductees
On April 23, Olney High School held its chapter of the annual National Honor Society induction ceremony.
Every year throughout the nation high schools induct students who have worked hard to achieve some of these benchmarks:
Per national guidelines, at a minimum, students must have a cumulative GPA of 85, B, 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, or equivalent standard of excellence. Each school chapter is allowed to require a higher cumulative GPA.
This involves voluntary contributions made by a student to the school or community, done without compensation.
Student leaders are those who are resourceful, good problem solvers, and idea contributors. Leadership experiences can be drawn from school or community activities while working with or for others.
The student of good character is cooperative; demonstrates high standards of honesty and reliability; shows courtesy, concern, and respect for others; and generally, maintains a clean disciplinary record according to
This year, tje inductees are Kiara Allen, Jeb Carpenter, Carter Hinson, Jaden Jacoba, Ari Livingston and Fatima Marquez.