Hometown Hero: Dustin Heard $6,731 from Goal

Hometown Hero: Dustin Heard $6,731 from Goal

We have raised $3,269 in an account at Interbank of Olney for Dustin Heard under the name of “Leatha Hirsch FBO (for benefit of) Dustin Heard.”

These funds are earmarked for Dustin’s legal and living expenses, and allow him to rebuild his life when he comes home from prison. When the account reaches $10,000, we have an anonymous donor who has generously agreed to match that amount. Donations to the FBO account are not tax deductible.

We appreciate donations of every size, and would like to thank those who have so graciously donated to Dustin’s account so far.

“Dustin was so impressed and excited that people cared enough to help and support him in restarting his life,” Leatha Hirsch said.

“The years of his trial and incarceration left him with nothing, and now he has hope and a chance to start over. It took a weight off his shoulders because he’s not penniless.”