2023 Vacation Bible School at FBC Olney
This summer, students from Olney will sprint past go and collect truths about Jesus Christ at FBCO’s “Twists & Turns” Vacation Bible School (VBS). The theme celebrates games of all kinds, from classic tabletop favorites to video games and more. At VBS kids will play their way through bible studies while learning that Jesus guides them through the ups, downs, and zigzags of lives.
FBCO pastor’s wife and Olney Enterprise columnist Melissa Edgington writes the second- and third-grade curriculum for Lifeway VBS each year. Her curriculum is used by about 25,000 churches every summer. “It is amazing that I can sit at my kitchen table on Howard Street in Olney and write something that will reach hundreds of thousands of children for Christ across the nation,” she said. “It is also fun to teach the second- and third-grade VBS class at FBCO and see the ideas and activities I developed for the curriculum come to life.”
VBS remains one of the most popular church programs in the United States, Lifeway Research shows. Six in 10 Americans say they attended VBS growing up, and 95 percent of parents whose children attended VBS say it provided a positive experience.
“It is an important part of what we do every year,” say’s Pastor Chad Edgington. “Everybody loves VBS at FBCO and we can’t wait to welcome the students this summer.”
VBS at FBCO is June 4-8 from 5:308:30 p.m. All students in grades Kindergarten through 6th Grade (completed) are welcome. A meal will be served each night. For more information, or to register for the 2023 “Twists & and Turns” VBS, you may contact the First Baptist Church office at 940.564.5594.