Stewart’s Grocery saves Olney tradition
Jason Pack of Stewart’s Grocery Store came through and saved the annual Olney Car Show which was in the past kept alive and hosted by the Olney Chamber of Commerce [OCC]. The OCC dropped the car show this year from their annual list of events. Olney is lucky to have Stewart’s Grocery Store which has always been at the heart of the community and very passionate about helping other organizations.
Mr. Pack spearheaded saving the Olney Car Show, previously Olney in America Car Show, and with the help of Stewart’s Grocery store, employees and volunteers brought the Stewart’s Car Show to life and saved a muchloved Olney tradition. The community turned out to look at some cool cars and support the Stewarts who have always supported the community of Olney.
Winners of the car show included: 20-50 stock James Logan 1956 Chevy Belair from Bowie, Texas, 20-50 modified David Shifflett 1956 Chevy 210 from Graham, Texas, 60-70 stock Jerry Sims 1967 Camaro from Winters, Texas, 60-70 mod Trevor 1973 Dodge Challenger from Graham Texas, 80-90 Dell Brown 1992 Corvette from Seymour, Texas, 2000-Present Elly Ryan 210 Ford Mustang red from Graham, Texas, Off road James Nurre 1988 ford bronco from Olney, Texas, Work in Progress 1986 Blazer Dale Frachisen from Olney, Texas, Furthest traveled 1923 C Cab Tom Anderson from Lubbock, Texas, Best of Show 1956 Chevy 210 David Shifflett from Graham, Texas, People’s Choice 1967 C 10 Freddy G from Albany, Texas and 60-70 mod Trevor Rafferty 1973 Dodge Challenger. Congratulations to all the winners!