How to Fuel Your Life

How to Fuel Your Life

What you put into your body is important.

Working out is great, but it’s only half of the equation. In order to get the results you want, whether it’s weight loss, increasing muscle mass, getting stronger, or being able to stay healthier, you also need to focus on what you consume. Nutrition is the other half of the equation that can help you reach your goals and fuel your body. It also helps improve your mood and reduce the risk for diseases.

Some examples include what you consume before, during and after a workout. Before a workout you want to make sure you are hydrated. You also want to make sure that you consume some digestible (simple) carbs 30 to 60 minutes prior if you have not had a meal in the past 2 hours. This is important because it provides your body with the energy it needs to perform a workout. During a workout it usually isn’t necessary to eat anything unless you are exercising for an hour or more. If so, staying hydrated and consuming electrolytes (like those found in sports drinks) will keep your muscles working efficiently while holding off fatigue. And don’t forget post workout. Your body is low on energy and needs nutrients in order to recover. It is best to consume something within 30 minutes post workout. One of the easiest post workout fuels is chocolate milk. It provides both protein, which will help your muscles to rebuild and grow, as well as carbs which will replenish the energy that was depleted during the workout.

Just as it is important to watch what you eat to improve your health and fitness; it is also important to be aware of what you consume spiritually. What you watch, what you listen to, what you read, etc. All of this affects how we think, act, and what we say.

Do you find yourself consumed by negative thoughts? Do you ever feel “not good enough,” “not worth it,” or “unloved?” Do you consistently tell yourself that you can’t do something or that you’re never going to reach your goal? These are lies from Satan. Satan is the father of lies. We need to take these thoughts captive and fill ourselves with Truth. And the place where we find that Truth is in God’s word. Stop listening to the lies and instead read God’s word, surround yourself with Christ-minded individuals, and be aware of the things that you listen to and watch. Make sure that what you see and listen to exemplify Biblical principles and not worldly views and things of impurity.

Fill yourself up with Truth and Life. As you go through your day focus on what fuels your body and your mind. Consume healthy, nutritious, and life-giving fuel to keep you on the right path both physically and spiritually!

Kristi McQueen earned her Bachelor’s of Science in Kinesiology at Abilene Christian University and her Master’s of Science in Exercise Physiology at Midwestern State University. She leads the fitness program at The Refuge, and she offers personal fitness and training programs. For more information on fitness at The Refuge, please visit This column is published on the first Thursday every month.