
“Lowliness of Heart”

How wonderful it is to see the work of the Holy Spirit upon the heart of a man here in the third chapter of John. This man was John the Baptist, and though his name is penned in the annals of God’s eternal record, he was a man with a nature like ours. He battled the wickedness of His own heart and the besetting sins that so easily entangled him. He wasn’t given some secret gift to escape his inward desires but fought daily to subdue them. There was even a moment where it seemed as if unbelief had risen in his heart. One day while he was awaiting execution in prison for confronting King Herod in his wickedness, not truly knowing what would happen to him, he began to contemplate the miracles he had witnessed concerning Jesus. He knew that he was the one sent to go before the Messiah and prepare the people’s hearts. There is no doubt that the moment he first saw Jesus that image was burned into his memory--Such things like this could never be forgotten. He had seen Jesus, he had touched Him, and he had heard the voice from heaven saying,

Cub Center Chats

Cub Center Chats

WOW! What an exhilarating day at the Center as we honored our veterans! People bedecked in various patterns of red, white, and blue or caps bearing the insignia of their branch of service streamed through our doors to be honored and thanked for their willingness to fight for America.

Will B.Thankful

Will B.Thankful

It’s that time of year again. Time to write about how thankful I am, time to gather with friends and family to reminisce about the good old days, and time to sit quietly in prayer or deep thoughts on just how thankful I am.

“Moving Too Fast”

“Moving Too Fast”

Last week, I was excited about spending time with my friend Barbara at the Quebe Sisters concert. Unfortunately, we missed the show because I was moving too fast. I was rushing to be on time, thinking about the dreadful weather, thinking about the dinner I missed, wondering if I should leave Blue on the patio, etc. I was moving too fast mentally and physically. Barbara was such a good friend to notice how distressed I was when I arrived to pick her up. I reluctantly told her that I had left home with my cellphone on top of my car and lost it somewhere on Hwy 79. She insisted that we turn around and head back to Olney so I could find my phone. I was both relieved and sad about forcing her to miss the concert, too. I had to take her advice because everything was on that phone—passwords, interview recordings, articles, EVERYTHING. Because I don’t trust “the cloud,” I had no choice but to keep searching.
