
A Mile Down Main Stree

A Mile Down Main Street

I have enjoyed discussing my 5 a.m. appearances in the middle of Main Street almost every morning. The people who recognize me asked, “What the heck are you doing in the street so early in the morning?” One lady visiting her daughter stopped me on my way back home, and she asked if my walking was part of my regular exercise regimen. But I do not think of my early morning walks as exercise. Instead, I have convinced myself that I am casually walking a mile down Main Street.

A Content Teen

A Content Teen

My youngest daughter, Lanna, is very anti-social. While most people are hating this isolation COVID stuff, she is absolutely loving it. So, when we asked what she wanted to do for her birthday, it was no big surprise to us when she said she just wanted to stay in and watch movies. But, that makes it no different than any other night for her, and we wanted her birthday to be something special this year since it’s her first ‘teen’ celebration.

Will B. Pumpkin Spicing It Up!

Will B. Pumpkin Spicing It Up!

Well, I kind of brought this topic on myself. I was taking a shower the day before and had a great idea for my Will B. I pretty much had written the entire article in my head and was thinking, I am ahead of the game this week. I have a pretty bad memory and should have known to write some notes upon exiting the shower.

My Nickel’s Worth

My Nickel’s Worth

About ten years ago, my grandmother threw out some old pumpkins at the back of their farm, and to her surprise, they decomposed and the seeds grew pumpkins. The little kids in the family were so excited, that my Papa Lewis decided to actually plant a pumpkin patch. Being a highly successful farmer, he researched the planting of pumpkins, and he has perfected them each year. He has a watering system, he adds straw, he put a fence around this huge patch just so his grandkids could enjoy watching the pumpkins grow and picking them in the fall. I think this is a good analogy for something even greater.--having an eternal purpose.
