
Ingratitude Toward God

Ingratitude Toward God

I’m so thankful that the infinite God, who reigns above the heavens, left us the holy scriptures to keep us grounded in the reality of what He accomplished for us on the cross through the death of His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. No, my friends, God has not left us to wander through this vast wilderness filled with corruption, but He has left us reminders of His love towards us written in the Bible. Not only that, but He has made the Holy Spirit to dwell in us, which enlightens our minds and guides our deepest affections to receive His word as well. There is no doubt that when we enter in upon the sacred text of God’s word, as an act of veneration towards Him, our hearts will be postured before Him in holy worship. Joy will spring up in our soul as a well spring of water found by those who have traveled through a hot desert. Oh, my brothers and sisters in Christ, nourish yourself daily with the everlasting words of heaven. Let it take you to the foot of the cross where Jesus Christ bore your transgressions and canceled your certificate of death consisting of the decrees that were against you, which was hostile to you.

How Male-Bashing is Hurting Our Sons

How Male-Bashing is Hurting Our Sons

Imagine that a man gets up to speak to a crowd, and he tells them that women are dumb. Imagine that he jokes that having a wife is like having another child to look after. Imagine that he tells this hilarious joke: Women are like fine wine. They all start out like grapes, and it’s our job to stomp on them and keep them in the dark until they mature into something you’d like to have dinner with. There’s no doubt he would be run out of town and labeled a sexist jerk forever.
