FFA Banquet
Olney FFA Outgoing 2022-23 Olney FFA Officers were: [L-R] Josie Gentry-Historian, Eva Ekberg-Reporter, Taaron Scrogum-Sentinel, Aubrey Mahler-Secretary, Nataley Kelly-Treasurer, Ellie Hinson-President and Brady Lisle-Vice President. Olney FFA will miss the experience of outgoing Seniors Taaron Scrogum and Aubrey Mahler as they move on to their future goals after graduation.
Olney FFA 2023-24 Incoming Officers are: [L-R] Ellie Hinson, Vice President; Nataley Kelly, President and Tyana Kinney, Secretary. Next year, the Olney FFA will be in great hands with these experienced FFA members.
Olney FFA Star Award Greenhand was presented to Brenna Madison. The Chapter Star Greenhand Award is a prestigious award presented every year to the chapter’s most active first-year member who has a plan for a strong supervised agricultural experience program and has demonstrated leadership within the FFA.
Olney FFA concluded the banquet with the traditional retiring of jackets of outgoing Seniors. This year’s outgoing Seniors were Aubrey Mahler (L) and Taaron Scrogum (R).
Olney FFA Star Chapter Degree Award was presented to Nataley Kelly at the annual Olney FFA Banquet. The Star Chapter Degree Award is presented to the FFA member demonstrating outstanding achievement, active FFA participation and an exemplary scholastic record.
During the annual FFA Banquet, OHS ag science teacher Alexandria Rowe presented her students with medals to showcase their hard work in making it to state competition for Farm Business Management. [L-R] are: Eva Ekberg, Angel Alvarado, Alexandria Rowe, Gatlin Guy and Peyton Valdez.
Olney FFA member Richard Walp was presented the Cub Spirit Award at the annual FFA Banquet by OHS ag science teacher Brady Reid. Richard was one of our very own interns here at the Enterprise.
During the annual FFA Banquet, OHS ag teacher Brady Reid presented Olney FFA members with medals to showcase their hard work in making it to the state competition for Ag Sales [L-R] are: Aubrey Mahler, Taaron Scrogum, Brady Reid, Ellie Hinson and Richard Walp.
Newcastle High School [NHS] has some bright students who know how to compete. The NHS Mathematics Team competed at state and earned the State Championship for 1A UIL. Those students are: Mya Cabrera, Julian Jimenez, Ashleigh Taylor and Alba Adame. Congratulations and well done!
During the annual OHS Athletic Banquet, cross country coach Mollie Pace awarded Caden Lane with a Cub Pride Award for all his hard work on and off the course. Congratulations, Caden!
Katelynn Bailey received a Cub Pride Award at the OHS Athletic Banquet from Lady Cubs basketball coach Rhyan Daugherty. Katelynn was a driving force for the Lady Cubs and helped keep the team in the fight this past season. Congratulations, Katelynn!