Coach Pace preps future Lady Cubs for softball
Coach Pace preps future Lady Cubs for softball
Coach Pace preps future Lady Cubs for softball
Coach Pace preps future Lady Cubs for softball
Coach Pace preps future Lady Cubs for softball
Coach Pace preps future Lady Cubs for softball
Coach Pace preps future Lady Cubs for softball

Coach Pace preps future Lady Cubs for softball

It’s summer in Olney and that means plenty of camps going on. Olney High School Softball Coach Mollie Pace hosted a softball camp with the help of OHS Volleyball Coach Nikole Piercy and some OHS Varsity Softball Lady Cubs. Coach Pace says that the future Lady Cubs are learning softball fundamentals like catching, batting, retrieving grounders and much more.

Coach Pace said she is “really excited [for the upcoming season].”

“We have some of the younger classmates added to the Varsity team filling spots vacated by outgoing seniors,” she sad. “It’s always a great day to be a Lady Cub!”