Our Beginning School

Dear Santa,

I want a 4 wheeler, because I was a good boy. I want to get a horse like Batman, Aunt Jess’ pony. And a 4 wheeler again.

Best kid ever, Brazos

Dear Santa,

I have been good this year. I am proud to say I have been a good friend. I am working on school work. For Christmas I would like a lego Frozen Storybook. Love, Evelyn

Love, Evelyn

Dear Santa,

I have been good this year, and I would like a: NaNa surprise toy, barbie accessories and one new barbie. Im also going to leave milk and cookies for you.

Love: Landrie Hickam

Dear Santa,

Hi! I love your reindeer! I have been a good girl sometimes this year. I don’t know what I want for Christmas this year so I will let you surprise me. We will leave you milk to drink. Thank you Santa!

Love, Evelyn McPhie

Dear Santa,

Can you bring me some toys. Please bring me a big truck and a pop gun and a bull hauler. Please bring Cason a Trex because hes a good brother.

Phifer Lewis

Dear Santa,

Is your favorite color red? I would like a bike for Christmas.

Love, Rhyder

Dear Santa,

I like Legos so please bring me some and some more Magna Tiles for my house, the set with the wheels. And I actually want the Paw Patrol with the double helicopter and two motorcycles and the boat, and a covering for the double helicopter. Archer likes balls, but I think we’re good on those. Well, maybe one more. Dad needs some more Minecraft Legos. We do have some marshmallows if you like them. We have large ones and small ones, but we might be out of the little ones. So, one day we were throwing them up and trying to catch them in our mouth. And I’ll leave you some milk. Merry Christmas!

Love, Gunn Miller