Will B. Will B In a Big Family

Will B. Will B In a Big Family

Will B In a Big Family

I recently received a nice correspondence from a gentleman who receives the Olney Enterprise all the way in Indiana. His name is Mr. Furr and he follows my weekly column. Mr. Furr has relatives in Olney and enjoys keeping up with Olney’s happenings.

I love when I receive feedback and correspondence from people who read the Enterprise and, on this occasion, Mr. Furr was writing to send me information on Baptism. I had previously written about my own baptism and he wanted to pass on some knowledge about the subject, which I really appreciated.

Now to the title of this week’s column, “In a big family.” That family is my family of fellow Christian brothers and sisters. I had not really thought about it much until I received the letter from a fellow Christian brother. Family to me is defined as more than just a blood relative, although Christians are blood-related if you look at it like we are related through the blood of Jesus Christ. Family to me are people who care about your well-being and are there for you in thick or thin. I live with my two pups, Shelby the wonder pup, a German Shepherd/Blue Heeler mix, and Bruiser the Texas Tornado, a Staffordshire Bull Terrier, but other than those pups, alone. I have only two brothers and a sister left in my family who live too far away to see but occasionally. Being somewhat new to Olney, only six years since moving here, I have almost no friends, so it gets a bit lonely at times. Then I remind myself that I have always had someone with me throughout my life. God is that someone; “The Footprints in the Sand” is my poem. I don’t always see it but when I look back on my memories, I can see that Jesus carried me through every difficult situation and was there with me during celebrations and good times.

Now I am beginning to look at my fellow Christian brothers and sisters the same way, I had never thought about it much till I moved to Olney and now I can say it brings me comfort knowing I belong to such a loving and caring big family through Christ. Anyone that would take the time to write me a letter to include information about one of the most important things in my life, my salvation, I would have to consider family, as I have defined family previously. Wow, that’s pretty powerful to know.

Hebrews 10:24-25 “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” Romans 12:10 “Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.”

I honestly believe God has brought me into the position and place I am to grow as a Christian and to openly write about God’s word. This is Will B saying, don’t be afraid to bring God’s word into your daily conversations, you never know what words a person needs to hear on any given day.