Will B. For War

Will B. For War

I am not exactly for war but I am for war if it means protecting freedom, democracy and an oppressive regime from taking over another country. I’ve been waiting to write about my thoughts on the war in the Ukraine was most likely a good thing. When it comes to how I feel about Russia invading the Ukraine, it’s best to have a cooling off before sitting down to type out my thoughts.

Is war good? For the most part that’s a no. Is war necessary? That’s an emphatic yes! Humans unfortunately have a good side and a bad side and have been at war since the beginning of the human race. I am a strong believer in everything having a Ying and Yang to balance everything out. It’s unfortunate that the dark part of the human psyche has to always be balanced out by the spilling of blood to suppress those humans with an evil or oppressive psyche. It’s important to always meet tyranny head on and cut it off early or with whatever cost is necessary, otherwise it continues to spread, it does not just go away.

I’m not naïve in all the various reasons wars start and that there is usually some fat cat trying to get richer over the war, but the facts remain, once a war starts innocent people always pay the price. As the world population grows even further out of control, the battle of the earth’s resources will continue to grow.

I am proud of the people of Ukraine for standing and fighting for the people, land and freedom; So many other counties flee when faced with a tyrannical government aimed at taking what they have, or they just roll over. Ukraine stands strong in the face of evil. I feel the Ukraine people have that Texas spirit, COME TAKE IT! I hope, as many others do, that this does not spill out into another world war, but if it does, we must be face it head on as our ancestors did. The greatest generation showed future generations how to do it and at great sacrifice. This is Will B saying, freedom has a cost must be paid!