Will B. thinking of simpler times

Will B. thinking of simpler times

I think most, but not all, will agree life was much simpler as a child or teenager. I believe this is so because there was less. Less of everything. Certainly, less things to worry about, less problems and less stuff to take care of. For example, let’s take having a car. There’s the insurance, oil changes, repairs, new tires, washer fluid, washing the car and of course driving the car with all its worries. That’s if everything goes right, I won’t go into if you get into a wreck.

The car is the perfect example of stuff you own that comes with a lot of things to take care of, which falls in the more category of the less is better and more is worse. I am guilty to be sure of the more category. Before about 20 years ago I live a less life. I didn’t have much and worried about little. I had an apartment’s rent to take care of and that was pretty much it. To tell you the truth I was quite happy with having so little.

I always said when I was young in would never be like my Father in the regards of having a bunch of stuff to worry about. Most of my things I would use at some point over the year as it progressed. But I have to much stuff and too much bills that go with it.

Every so often I try to unclutter myself with stuff and the worry that comes with too much stuff. It can include to many hobbies, extra camera gear to keep up with, definitely too many laptops and electronic devices. Why do I need 4 laptops? It doesn’t seem like to much of a worry but I have to keep them charged, updated and in good working order. Extra camera gear has to be maintained as well. Cleaned and looked after and of course used in order to have a reason for holding on to said camera gear. These are just 2 of many things that add to a long list of stuff to keep up with.

For me, it took a long time to get rid of the stuff I carried around in my head. Once a few years back I decided it was time to clear the stuff out of my mind and free up space. The biggest stuff taking up space in my head was memories and issues I had with my father while I was growing up. I have talked about it briefly from time to time. It was not a good experience for me or my brothers. Let’s just say there were a lot of rough years filled with bad memories.

Getting the stuff I keep hanging around my head was like having a 1000 pounds lifted off me that I didn’t even know was there. Sometimes it’s good to take inventory of our stuff and decide if it’s time to let some of this stuff go. This is Will B saying, now where did I put the Canon catalog at, I think I need a new lens.