Will B. Talking About

Will B. Talking About what makes a man

What is a real man these days? Back in the day, a real man could be defined as one who provides for those under his wing, protect and shelter them. That was all it took in the past. Things were different then and these few simple things were what characterized a good man.

Today, the idea of what a man is has become so confusing and muddled it can be very hard to be a man of worth. There is a metro sexual man who is a cross between a man, a gentleman and some would say a lady. As I discuss these different types of men, I am not necessarily saying one is bad or even better than the other. There is the classic country gentleman that I strive to be. Well mannered, shows emotions in the right circumstances, slow to judge, would give you the shirt off my back, opens my wife’s door and give her my jacket if she is chilly and yes, I would defend my wife’s honor with a sound thrashing if called for and lastly but most importantly a man of God. Then, there is the man who believes that his ego must come first at all times, never let them see you get emotional, always afraid that someone might see him as weak, etc… I could go on and on because there are many varying types both good and bad.

The point is, I promise there is one coming. Today, through media and what a woman wants, it is very confusing to be a man in this day and age. Can we open your door or not? Should I show emotion and cry during a sad movie or is that to weak? Can I yell when I am mad or is that considered too violent? Do I dress like this or do you want that? I hear it quite often that a lot of woman want a neutered cat in public and a roaring lion behind the bedroom door.

I am lucky and have a loving wife who is happy for me to be just who and what I am. My advice is be you and as long as it doesn’t affect people around you negatively then all will work out in the end. Ignore the media and public opinion and be happy with who you are without judgement.

This is Will B. saying I will continue to strive to be the country gentleman I envision myself to be.