Will B. Standing Up

Will B. Standing Up

I have been rewatching all seasons of “Survivor” for several months; I am on season 25 and say “Survivor” is an excellent tool for learning about the human condition. It seems like there are maybe five or six personalities that most humans have. The sheep personalities are the ones that really irritate you know what out of me.

As they are called in the show, the sheep personalities or floaters cause such havoc with the indecisions, scared to make a move and just plain wanting to be told what to think every minute they are on the show. The havoc they cause is not to themselves but to the players who are there to play and try to win the game. This past season was one of the worse for sheep players. It was season 24, give it a watch, and you will see.

There are 18 to 24 players in a season and this season had only about eight players trying to win. The rest were being led around by their coattails. Their only goal was to make it to the next day, unwilling to take any risks or have an original thought or strategy. They were happy just to be voted out one by one., which is very frustrating when you are really pulling for a player to make it to the end, but they cannot get any help because most of the players are too scared to make a move, even knowing they are on the bottom of the alliance and making it to the end of the game for a million dollars is not possible by playing it safe.

The same can be said for many people living in the world. Afraid to help, stand up or make a move, even at the risk of their freedom or very life. The mentality of the sheep is as long as it is happening to someone else, it doesn’t affect me, or if I just keep my head down and stay with the herd, they will be safe. Nothing is further from the truth. I thank God for the greatest generation, who grew up in the World War II era. Without those lions, the world would be an oppressed nightmare, with its people crushed under the boot of dictators and oppressive governments. Look at the state of the United States of America. The sheep have let the government turn into an oppressive regime intent on squashing our freedoms into the dust under their boot. People wonder why some fight tooth and nail for even the slightest infringement on our Constitution. We fight so hard because it all starts with the slightest infringement; it’s a slippery slope, and these rights were put in place at the Nation’s founding for a good reason. To keep us free. It’s time to stand up as a Nation and become the Lions once again— a Nation of Lions not afraid to stand up and even shed blood if necessary to protect our freedoms and values!

This is Will B. saying, wake up, America, we are standing on the edge about to go over the edge with the heard!!!