Will B.

Will B. Ready for SUMMER

Some dread that time of year, but others like myself look forward to each year, SUMMER!! Yes, summer is my favorite season. I like a really hot summer. I am not the biggest fan of sweating my you-know-what off, but I enjoy what only summer can provide: many blissful feelings and memories. Blissful like being outside on a day that is 100 plus and that first moment of walking into a 70-degree, ice-cold house or doing yard work in those melting temperatures and jumping in a pool for a dip or a cold shower followed by a well-deserved ice-cold beer in an ice-cold mug kept in a freezer. How about the Fourth of July? Is there a better holiday? Maybe, but not for me. Barbecue, friends, maybe a beer, and fireworks are recipes for amazing memories. Trips to the lake hit just a little better in summer than at any other time of year. Trips to the DQ—yes, please, are always better in the summer. Cherry Limeades at Sonic—there will be plenty of those to be had.

Summers in Texas are not for the faint of heart and must be planned carefully. We Texans take great pride in everything being bigger and more extreme in Texas, Texans are known for their toughness, and hot summers help produce some tough Texans. The crack of dawn, slight mugginess in the air, already the heat of the day is creeping in, fishing gear, chairs and the all-important cooler with cold beverages hastily piled in the back of the pickup, and we are off to the lake to do what us country folk love to do, fish. This will last till almost noon, at which time it’s time to pile everything back in the back of the pickup and head home for some and, for those lucky enough to go to DQ for a blizzard.

What are some of your favorite summer rituals? What do you look back to with fondness during those summer months of your youth?

This is Will B saying, see yah at the DQ for a blizzard and a whopper of a fish story.