Will B. Reading

Will B. Reading

I have never been one to make New Year’s resolutions. I always figured that I don’t need a special day to get me moving down the road to self-improvement. After spending time thinking about the New Year’s resolutions that people in general go for, like losing weight, stop smoking, drink less, drink more water and being a nicer person for example, it did make get me taking a little inventory of what I could improve about myself.

I realized that I had never read the Bible cover to cover. Having read maybe half a little over time, I was kind of ashamed or disappointed in myself for never taking time to read the Bible cover to cover. Without breaking my general rule of not making New Year’s resolutions, I decided this was the year to do it. Already having an app on my phone that delivers scripture from the Bible twice daily, scanning through the app I saw that it offered a way to read the Bible in a year.

It has been really fun committing to a new good habit. Every night after getting ready for bed, I get comfortable and read the scriptures for that day. I am on day 42 and have not missed a day yet. So far it has been taking me through Genesis and Exodus, not my particular favorite books, let me tell you. There have been a few good stories that I have enjoyed but the Old Testament for me has never held my interest as much as the New Testament. I guess there is just too much information about genealogy. I am sure it was relevant at one point, or it could just be my lack of understanding.

I love the New Testament and look forward to when I reach those books of the Bible. My favorite books are Matthew, Psalms and Proverbs. I could read those books over and over and learn something new every time. Revelations is pretty fascinating as well. Have you taken inventory of yourself lately? Have you been putting off working on something that would improve yourself? What are some things you’re looking to improve? This is Will B saying, it’s never too late to make an improvement or journey of self-discovery.