Will B. Not Aging Gracefully

Will B. Not Aging Gracefully

I always thought I would be one of those older distinguished gentlemen who looks and feels 40 when his actual age is 70; This is how I thought up until about 15 years ago, back when I was still physically doing pretty good. However, as I creep closer and closer toward the age of retirement, I have been finding things creaking, popping and snapping with increased frequency.

The problem falls squarely on my shoulders as I have generally ignored the advice of my rheumatologist to do yoga and a stretching regime daily. Having Ankylosing Spondylitis [A.S.] for most of my life, yoga and stretching are very important to my treatment. It is so hard to think about exercise regularly when some days it’s hard even to walk, and the fatigue is a huge obstacle of A.S. The fatigue comes out of nowhere and can best be described as trying to carry a hundred pounds on your back.

This aging gracefully thing is just not going to happen for me, which is mentally challenging because I grew up playing sports and I had been riding motorcycles since I was knee-high. I had to give up riding motorcycles regularly about 15 years ago. The vibrations just destroyed my joints and back.

I was homebound for about five years when I was going through a particularly rough A.S. flare up those lasted years, it was embarrassing to have to walk with a cane those years, and I couldn’t even go to the store without my wife being there, because on more than one occasion my hips and back would literally fail me. So, she would have to help me out of the store.

There is too much to say about this horrible disease. It’s like being a prisoner of my own body. I don’t share this story because I never look for pity, though. I learned a great deal about myself those five years I was homebound, and at the end of that flare-up, I had finally said enough is enough! I would not let this disease define me anymore. No matter what it took, I would live how I chose despite any limitations.

The human will can overcome so much when we put our mind, heart and determination behind something. The library is filled with stories of people who overcame much more adversity than what I went through. So, if you find yourself down and out, just dig deep inside and pull from your spirit the strength you need to overcome your struggle. I believe everyone has what it takes to help themselves in whatever struggle they face if they dig hard enough for the strength. This is Will B. saying, you can do anything you set your mind and will to do.