Will B. Having Dinner with Death

Will B. Having Dinner with Death

Well, not exactly dinner, but speaking on the taboo subject of death is more accurate. For many, death is rarely spoken about in polite conversation or in general conversation at all.

I might have worried about it from time to time at various points in my life when I was younger. During the past 20 years or so I no longer fear death. I believe when I first took being saved more seriously and really put my life in God’s hands is most likely when I quit worrying in general including worrying about dying.

I want to have a full life on earth, creating memories with those around me to be sure, but I do not worry about what will happen when I die. I do worry somewhat about if my wife were to die in the future just because I am kind of selfish in that I want as many years creating memories with her on earth and I fear how it will be here without my partner and best friend. I do know for a fact we will be with each other again when we both have passed on.

When I first met my wife, right before we were to be married, my mom was murdered and I took it extremely badly. If not for my wife I am not sure what I would have done. The reasons I was sad then are different then the reasons I am sad now. Then I grieved for the robbed time I would have had with my mom and the fact that my wife was to meet my mom that summer. They were able to have a few conversations on the phone and I knew they had hit it off and would be friends. What saddens me now is I don’t know if I will see my mom in heaven when I die. It’s scary to me because I am not sure if she is saved or not. I saw my mom with inconsistency throughout my life and am not sure if she was saved at some point and never had a conversation with her about it. 30 years ago, I was not a mature Christian and that conversation never even crossed my mind. I had talked with my dad and knew he believed in God and that was as far as that conversation ever went. Dad and I didn’t have a great relationship.

If you truly believe in Jesus as your Lord and Savior and believe what the Bible tells you, then you should not fear death. God has set aside a place for you when you die. I know as most that losing someone you love hurts deeply sometimes and it is part of the grieving process to be sad, but our hearts should also be filled with joy on some level knowing you will see them again in the paradise that is heaven. For me, when I think what is paradise, I think of being in the Lord’s presence and feeling his love with those you love.

Please, don’t wait ‘till it’s too late to have that conversation with someone you care about; the conversation about how Jesus died for our sins. To me that is what I mourn when I look back at those who have died that I was close to or cared about. I was too immature in my life for Christ to know or even care to have that important conversation and it saddens me to this day.

This is Will B. quoting John 3:16:

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life”.