Will B. Different

Will B. Different

If there is one thing I have learned about humans, it is that we are all different in some way. Being different is OK. God creates the most interesting and fascinating people. What may be different about me may seem strange to you and vice versa. But if the world and the people in it were all the same it would just plain be a boring place.

Something weird and a bit different about me is that I fall sound asleep (or nod off) most times while watching horror movies. Maybe not the first time I see a new horror movie, but after repeat watching, good chances are I will nod off to slumber land.

When I was growing up, I really loved the horror genre and two of my favorite magazines from the 80s - Fangoria and Monster. Monster was my favorite and I had started enjoying that one even in the 70s.

I had been trying to figure out why the horror genre puts me to sleep and I came to the conclusion that it must be connected to some bit of nostalgia. Things seemed safe and it was a great time in my life from about 1975 to about 1983.

Cicadas do the same thing. I think it is one of the reasons I love summer so much. So many great memories tied to summer. They invoke memories of hide and seek in the neighborhood at night, summer camping trips and sleeping with the windows open, listening to the sound track of summer. Crickets and Cicadas.

These things, which are perfectly normal to me, may be strange to others. So, when I look at someone who likes what I think is kind of weird, I have to think to myself, “It may only seem weird because I simply am not seeing the connection the other person may have to a memory that lets them enjoy that weirdness.”

What do you think might be considered weird to an onlooker? To each their own, I say. This is Will B. saying, “Life would be pretty boring if we all were the same!”