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Will B. Changing

Why do we start thinking about changes we believe should happen with the coming of the new year? Is the need to change a social thing?

We see others making promises such as: losing weight, spending less time on Facebook, quitting the habit of smoking, or any other activity that we’ve determined is wrong. In the past, I have been guilty of making promises to myself that I break later. My way of thinking during the past five years or so has drastically changed as I’ve been through a lot physically and mentally. What I have come to accept about myself is I would rather live a few years less and enjoy myself then worry about every little thing that could add up to a few extra years. In part, I feel this way because if you look at the time, we are here in this shell that is our body compared to the endless expanse of time after we leave our body. What are a few years going to matter?

I don’t plan to go hog-wild in everything I do; however, I still try to eat relatively healthy, don’t smoke and try to get in some exercise. My actions are not inspired by attempting to add years to my life, but because I want to enjoy the remaining years I have in this body.

In the end, how, we live comes down to what is involved in almost all aspects of lifecompromise—finding that middle ground of giving and taking. Give up smoking to breathe easier and have a more active lifestyle (The GIVE). Have a delicious juicy ribeye once a week even though once a month is advised (The TAKE). Everyone should decide for themselves how much they are willing to give up having a longer life or even if it is worth giving up. I, however, will continue to enjoy that ribeye.

This is Will B. Changing saying enjoy life while you can.