Will B.

Will B.

Floating Away

As I recollect, I talked about sick days last week and the fond memories associated with it and now I find myself sitting here listening to the beautiful sound of the rain on this somewhat dark and dreary day, which has me reminiscing about all the fun and not so fun days sitting, napping and sometimes playing on a good rainy day.

Some of my favorite memories involved playing in the rain as kids, my brothers and me found it irresistible to ride are bikes in the rain or see how muddy we could get a rainy day, there was just things you could not do any other day except on a rainy day at least that made those things so much more fun.

Trying to get splashed by passing cars was probably at the top of the fun things to do, next would-be swimming in the creek or pond because it was the only time it was muddy enough to slide down the hills straight into the pond with giant splashes, hooping and hollering. Life always was simpler as youngsters, not a care in the world most days, just one adventure after another.

Fishing is another rainy-day activity I loved as a child; it was one of the very rare memories of something I did with my dad that I am fond of. My brothers and I rotated turns for our monthly fishing excursion, my dad was part of a bass fishing club and once a month one of us got to spend the weekend travelling to what seemed a far away place for a weekend adventure and the best weekends included rainy days spent on the lake, around the campfire or cramped up in the small camper on the back of my dad’s truck. I have spoke many times about my abusive dad but this one of the few really great memories I have with him. He was a different person on those fishing trips and even more so on the rainy ones. He would wake me up about an hour or so before dawn for coffee, eggs and bacon as we mounted our epic plans to find all the best spots to catch the biggest bass. It always started off a bit chilly and ended in sweltering heat which I never minded one bit. For rainy days we got to wear our rain gear and there was always a steaming hot thermos of coffee and bologna sandwiches close by. I always wondered why my dad couldn’t be like this all the time.

The weekends always ended with a huge fish fry after the weigh in to see who caught the most fish, ther was a pay out for biggest fish caught and money for most total weight and let me tell you if there was one thing my dad was great at it was bass fishing and I remember always being proud as my dad received pay outs and told his epic fishing stories. What are some of your favorite rainy-day memories? This is Will B saying, grab a pole, throw on slicker and rain boots and I will see yah at the fishing hole!