Will B.

Will B.

The Plunder of the American People

It’s that time of year that most Americans think about freedom and those that fought and died for our freedom, for others it’s just about fireworks, potato salad, beer and BBQ. There is nothing wrong with enjoying both or either. For me lately, I have been thinking about something else when the birth of the nation is celebrated.

The words ‘no taxation without proper representation’ once meant something and worth fighting over. What happens when the people representing us are the ones plundering the future of the citizens of this once great country of lions?

We once rose up and fought a bloody and deadly fight at a great cost to be free from a government that oppressed the people of this nation to the point one could barely scratch out a living.

That time has come again, the time when a government has oppressed its people to the point that it is hard to just live these days. Most American families struggle from paycheck to paycheck, many one paycheck away from being homeless.

I think that if the founding fathers and people who died for our freedoms could see the country now, they would be deeply ashamed of what the people have slowly allowed since America won its freedom.

Enjoy the holiday but let us remember the meaning behind it and carry that meaning throughout the year.

It won’t take another revolution to change things, at least not one with violence. What it will take is a revolution of the spirit. The constitution and laws that govern this great land are set up so that the power resides in the people. The issue is that people have been lulled into complacency like sheep. The general rule of the land nowadays is, as long as it doesn’t affect me directly, I will keep my head buried in the sand and let things continue.

The way of change is to use the system that was set up by the forefathers, which for a peaceable change is voting. The thing that angers me most is when someone says, ‘But I am only one vote so it won’t matter if I don’t vote?’

What is happening is millions of people think and do the same thing. It is every citizen’s responsibility to vote and we should take great civic pride in doing so.

Some who are well off may like how things are: the rich get richer and the poor continue to have the boot of power pressed against their necks.

What if one day they come for what the well-off have? What if that day is the day it is too late to change what has been going on?

The time for change is now and it all starts with your vote and with each person challenging those in their life to vote. Every vote counts and all voters’ votes count.

This is Will B saying enjoy the Fourth but remember the cost of that freedom throughout the year.