Will B.

Will B.

Not Sweating the Small Stuff

Life can be a life of a thousand cuts or it can be a life of smelling the roses. There will always be good days and bad days but that doesn’t mean we have to let the bad days bring us or those around us down. The same goes for negative people. There will always be people out there to complain and find negativity in everything in life.

Recently news came that the City of Olney would be getting a new pool, at no cost to taxpayers. Many are pleased and so I am I but as usual there are the negative Nancys and David Downers in town. One complained, ‘oh great, still no shaded areas,’ and another griped that the pool was too small compared to the amount of pool furniture???!!! You get the point. These types of people used to make me crazy until I created my new plan to remove the majority of negativity out of my life. I put the plan into action several years ago by removing those I had friended on social media who regularly created negative posts or replied with negativity at every turn and from there I distanced myself from negative people I would come across in the course of a normal day.

That plan has worked great and helped me not feed into negativity but the other half of the plan was to be more positive, even when no one was looking. I have always believed positive and negative energy feeds and grows off itself. You can clearly see this happen on social media on a daily basis. It’s almost like the second “Ghostbusters” movie: There was this ooze under New York that kept growing bigger and bigger every year, feeding off the negativity of the people in the city.

Sometimes all it takes is one person to change the tide of negativity by standing up and showing the positive side of something. Some people live off the suffering of others and choose to find the negative in every situation. This has always made me sad to see someone in this state. I pray for peace for them because I don’t know the battles they are facing. Something I learned a long time ago from a very wise person was, no one can make you feel a certain way, we all choose to be mad, sad, happy, joy etc. This is Will B quoting Bobby McFerrin “Don’t worry, be happy.” If you’re ever feeling down, listen to this song.