Will B.

Will B.

Having a Spring in my Step

Spring has sprung, sort of, and it always puts a spring in my step. The first 80-degree day came and went, it was so amazing to open all the windows again and enjoy the warm breezes blowing through the pecan and mesquite trees.

I hate winter with a passion and, really, any weather below 60 degrees. Summer is my jam and the hotter the better. I really love those first few days of warm weather even though I know old man winter will be showing his ugly mug off and on ‘til mid-April sometimes; this is Texas, after all. Softball, baseball, and track have started up and it is so relaxing to break out my camping chair and cover the games for the paper. Track is more hectic though - I have to rush around all over the track and field trying to get photos of everything. I mean, I don’t have to but I love getting photos of the student-athletes and feel really bad when I leave someone out. It happens though, I just can’t be at all the events going on at one time. My favorite things to watch are the pole vault, high jump, and hurdles. Those three events also offer the best chance to get really cool photos.

I could never watch baseball on TV but I really enjoy going to the baseball and softball games, I generally take photos for two innings then get to kick back in my comfortable camping chair and just enjoy the weather while cheering on and watching my two favorite teams, Cubs and Lady Cubs.

Spring on occasion offers some rainy days as well, which for me is the apex of relaxing. I open all the windows and generally listen to my records on those days while editing photos or catching up on work on the couch. There is no better way to enjoy an afternoon nap after lunch than a good rain storm or a breezy spring day with the windows open, listening to the trees blow in the wind or rain beat down on the roof. Music for rainy days always includes Pink Floyd, Steely Dan, Led Zeppelin, and pretty much anything out of the 70s.

Another spring favorite of mine is taking landscape and spring foliage photos. Lake Olney has some really diverse and beautiful wildflowers in most springtimes that quickly disappear as summer approaches. Taking landscape photos isn’t one of the things you can put off in Texas: the weather changes so quickly and if I put it off for too long I would miss all the color that soon disappears in summer. I am enjoying spring but looking toward summer eagerly. This is Will B saying, what are some of your favorite things about spring?