Too Many Choices

Too Many Choices

I can be a very indecisive person at times. Just ask my husband. When he asks me to choose a restaurant, I will drive in circles thinking about which one to pick, just to inevitably pick the same one we always go to. The same thing goes for grocery shopping. I used to love grocery shopping, but lately it is becoming a bit more of a chore than an enjoyment. When did everything become so full of choices? I mean, yoghurt for example. There used to be around six flavors to choose from and now there are literally dozens. The same goes for coffee creamer. I will stand there looking through the glass door to the creamers trying to decide which one I want for the week (sometimes I leave with three different kinds because I couldn’t make up my mind). Wal-Mart especially, is an indecisive person’s nightmare.

This past week it was bacon that stumped me. I don’t usually buy bacon for one reason: I hate cooking it. Absolutely love eating it, but when it comes to frying some up, forget it. I have the worst luck when it comes to cooking bacon (the last time I set off the smoke alarm and had bacon grease spit in my eye). For the life of me, I could not remember which bacon it was that we bought that resulted in less of a catastrophe. I stood there forever trying to remember. Was it the Applewood? Maple? Hickory? And which brand? I was lost. The other shoppers probably thought I had a screw loose watching me pick up numerous packages just to say out loud “not this one” and set them back on the shelf. I ended up just going for the regular Oscar Mayer bacon (and yes, I ended up with the smoke alarm going off this time as well).

I really miss the days when you could just go grocery shopping and the toughest decision you had to make was which checkout aisle you should go through. Someone should open a grocery store called “Simple” where every choice you have to make is literally simple. Then maybe my grocery shopping time could be cut from three hours down to 30 minutes and some of my sanity could be restored.