With Thanksgiving next week, I began to think about family and all the things I am thankful for. The things I am thankful for, hmmm… That is a very long list. I suppose the older you get the more things you accumulate to be thankful for.

First and foremost, I will be forever thankful for the sacrifice Jesus Christ made for me. He gave his life up on the cross so this lowly sinner could be saved. It’s hard to put into words all Christ went through to ensure God’s children could be saved. The movie “The Passion of the Christ” comes the closest I have seen to the suffering he went through for me. It is one of the few movies I shed tears over.

Secondly, I am most thankful for my wife, Amanda. She changed my life forever for the better. She is my heart, and I would be lost without her. On our first date after we went bowling, we sat in my car talking and she sung to me. My heart became hers forever after that moment. She is my partner and best friend.

I am thankful I have a home, food to eat and clean water to drink. Simple things to be thankful for, but so many around the world do not have these simple basic necessities. I have been homeless twice, both because of the poor choices I have made. So, for me I will always be extremely grateful for these simple things.

When I was a teen, and into early adulthood, I almost died on several occasions due to choices I made and the lifestyle I chose to live by. Maybe someday when I have the courage, I will write a testimony. A lot of people are very judgmental and don’t always understand that sins of the past have been paid for and the blood of Jesus washes away those sins.

On the lighter side of things, I am thankful for my dog Shelby, I am thankful for coffee (in abundance some days), I am thankful for a job I love, I am thankful for family and I am thankful I moved to Olney (not many places as great as Olney now a days). This is Will B. saying, what are you thankful for?