Taylor - Made

Taylor - Made

Perfectly Imperfect

The majority of my life I battled with addiction. I had an addictive personality, whether it was with drugs, overeating, video games and even online shopping. It was so easy for me to go overboard. Caught in this struggle with addiction, I fought with feelings of inadequacy, worthlessness and pain. I chased after my addictions hoping that they would alleviate the emptiness I felt inside. For years I had placed my faith in myself, believing that I could overcome these addictions on my own. Oftentimes in the past I would make empty promises to a God, I’m not sure I even believed in at the time, stating, “Just one more time, then I promise I’m done.” Then when opportunity for more came knocking, I used my pain as an excuse to break those promises. It was a downward spiral and the enemy had me believing so many lies. But now, with Christ, I learned how to love myself again despite my past. I took that Faith that I had in myself and exchanged it for Faith in Him. I learned how to look in the mirror with a smile on my face eager for what the future holds. I don’t need drugs to get through my struggles anymore and I can now face my problems with peace knowing that in everything, God is there with me.

Nobody is perfect by any means, but at least with God we can find comfort knowing that even with our imperfections He loves us anyways. He always has and always will. We are perfectly imperfect.

“But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” – Romans 5:8.