Taylor - Made

Taylor - Made

O’ Christmas tree, O’ Christmas tree, your ornaments are history!

This is the first year that my husband, Chris, our two teenagers and I went Christmas décor shopping together; tree and all. I love this time of the year. The decorating, cooking, gifts and the holiday cheer. We opted for a green six foot tall Christmas tree that is flocked with artificial snow. We left the store excited to put up the tree together in our apartment.

When we got home though, our cheer quickly went out the window. We had forgotten that this was our little Starfox’s first Christmas. We battled for about thirty minutes with the kitten to put up the tree. Finally, he turned his attention to the empty box and let that occupy him while we finished. Our older cat, Battlestar, was used to this charade since we’ve had her for a few years already. She just sat on the back of the couch and watched us literally loose our minds.

Finally, I rolled a 20 on my intelligence check and realized we could just shut Starfox in the back room while we finished assembling and decorating the tree. I don’t know why we didn’t think of that sooner. I went into the kitchen to make us some coffee and we continued to decorate the tree. We sat back, sipped on our coffee and praised each other for how beautiful our living room looked.

While we soaked in our accomplishment, I could hear Starfox and his faint meows coming from the back of the apartment. We forgot him in there. I asked Chris to go let him out so we could see how he reacted to the tree being up. He tore down the hallway into the living room, came to complete halt a few feet from the tree and stared at all the shiny goodness. I could see the lights reflecting in his eyes that were now the size of saucers. Before either of us could react, he literally sprung four feet in the air into the tree trying to attack the strand of lights. Chris caught the tree just in time before it got knocked down. He continued this ‘attack the tree’ behavior until he wore himself out. Both of us were exhausted as well. As we laid in bed I started to Google ‘ways to keep your cat out of your Christmas tree’ and found a few good ideas.

If any of you have a meddlesome cat like we do, check out this website: https://www.purrfectpost.com/keep-your-cat-off-the-christmas-tree-with-t...