Taylor - M ade

Taylor - M ade

I have been given my fair share of second chances, more often than I deserve. But who am I to know what I deserve? In this time of being thankful, my thought process kept returning me to how many times I was provided second chances (even third and fourth chances), and I am grateful for them.

I also thought about how often second chances are squandered. How often people take advantage of a fresh start and neglected to change. I’d hate to think about where I would be right now if it weren’t for the mercy and grace shown to me by God and others in this town.

People can be unforgiving in nature. As humans, we often tend to screw up and people can be hard on us for our mistakes. We can be put down while we try to rise up, and they are quick to criticize our errors. So, when offered a second chance, accept it. They don’t come around often.

The other aspect of second chances is in granting them. I know giving second chances aren’t free. I have had my patience worn thin before, and while I deep down didn’t want to give a second chance, I did anyways. It cost me trust and a little time but was worth it in the end to see restoration in that individual as the outcome. It was a cost I was willing to endure.

Not everyone gets a second chance. If you do get one, be thankful. Don’t let your second chance go to waste. Use that chance to turn a new page and become someone better than you were before.

Happy Thanksgiving!