Taking a Day

Taking a Day

“Ferris Bueller’s Day Off ” has been one of my favorite movies ever since it was released in 1986. I am a Gen X through and through, and love all things 80s. A lot of great movies came out of that era and not till later in life, going back watching these movies, did I realize how many lessons could be learned while examining them.

Ferris teaches us that it is important to take a day and smell the roses and just let loose. From time to time I ‘take a day’, as I call it. This day is just for me to enjoy. It could be a day that involves things like going fishing, going to the movies, going to a favorite restaurant or any number of things or all of the above. The point is, it’s a day to just leave all your daily drudgery behind and have a day to do the things you love.

I took a day recently but, on this day, I did things that I had been needing to do mixed with a bit of relaxing. I went grocery shopping then came home to mow the lawn with some added mowing to a new area for an upcoming photo session. Later, after the chores where caught up, I had a cold shower followed by an ice-cold Corona with lime and salt. I rarely have a beer, but for me it’s almost mandatory to have an ice-cold beer on a hot summer day after mowing the lawn. I work very hard at having a stress-free life due to the fact that stress triggers flare ups with my A.S. So, I generally don’t leave things needing done to later. It stresses me out! So, taking a day to get caught up on things for me is fun, as weird as it sounds.

When I say, ‘I am taking a Ferris Bueller Day Off ’, that is a whole different story. I learned to do this after understanding the importance of taking a day to just go crazy and have a day of fun. I even talk my wife into it every so often. We spend the majority of our lives sleeping and working. The everyday drudgery builds up and needs a release, otherwise your mind and body will just fall apart like an overwound watch. Not a good thing. Even having weekends off people tend to fall into routines, which can be a good thing, but can also be a bad thing if we never break with routine. As humans, part of living is having experiences, making new memories and learning new things. If you’re not doing these things you might as well be just waiting to die.

Who wants to work their whole life away with never stopping to smell the roses, make memories or experience new things? Take a day, have a ‘Ferris Buellers Day Off ’ to walk in the rain, go fishing or whatever makes you happy.

This is Will B quoting Ferris Bueller saying “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it”.