Sr. Cub Center Chats with Pat Curtis

Sr. Cub Center Chats with Pat Curtis

Smiles for the recurring rain we’ve had, with hopes for more of that marvelous moisture! The lawn care people are busy little beavers trying to keep their clients’ yards neat and presentable. That rain puts those blades of grass in a hyper-growing mode, but it’s the weeds that spring up to new heights after the rain, much to the disdain of home owners. The lawnmower jockeys seem to enjoy the added income from more frequent cuttings, so they just keep smiling when they hear that thunder rolling in and see those pennies falling from heaven.;) Our birthday party day will be Thursday the 25th, so singing and laughter are certainly on our agenda for that celebratory event. I confess that “some” of our clientele are more interested in the cake and ice cream than the singing, but that’s okay-- we enjoy their presence, too. Come join us if you can. Bob Dillard’s little chubby dog, Maggie May, is such a delightful critter. When Bob had an appointment in Wichita, he missed eating with us at the Center, so I took some of my leftover meat by his house for that little girl. Oh, how Maggie dances and hops around to invite me in so she can cover me with canine kisses. Such an exhilarating experience to receive such a greeting from that precious pup. Bob had trouble holding onto that rambunctious wiggler as she attempted to get closer to me for a cuddle or pat-onthe- head. Animals make us so happy, give us companionship, love us unconditionally, and help us live longer. Take good care of your pet; it will take care of you!

Those loud grackles have started congregating in the treetops again. My first encounter with those noisy birds was on a trip to Austin many years ago. I didn’t like them then; I don’t like them now. Those black birds with those eerie orange eyes act like they are in charge, and proclaim the fact very loudly! They are aggressive; I don’t like aggression. Through the years, they kept migrating northward until they reached my territory. There is no choice but to tolerate them, so I shall … but I still don’t like ‘em!

Making cinnamon rolls is quite therapeutic, but most of all, the outcome is delicious! There is just something about working and kneading the fragrant yeasty dough that calms the spirit and brings peace within. Perhaps it’s the cinnamon smell or the chemical process of rising that is intriguing; whatever, it is a fun and worthwhile experience. Try it sometime!

A sign posted by Beyond Faith healthcare at the medical clinic reads: Plant seeds of love... and watch them grow! What a great message! Let’s practice that this week - be loving. Hugs can be included.