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Sr. Cub Center Chats with Pat Curtis

Well, it appears that the dart-throwing has begun. The weather predictors seem to use that ancient tradition of tossing darts at a chart to determine our temperatures and moisture possibilities for each day. They don’t actually do that, but to non-meteorologists like the majority of us, it does seem a possibility! The crazy dips and turns of jet streams can really upset our weather patterns. El Nino or La Nina are terms we hear quite often to describe our dry or rainy weather. Squall lines bring to mind a row of crying babies and anvil clouds make us think of extremely heavy clouds capable of fashioning metal swords or such. Maybe our schools need to have a mandatory class devoted to the teaching of weather terms so our kids will have the ability to translate the weatherman’s forecast to us in simpler terms. Highs and Lows we do understand if related to temperaments, but weathermen are talking temperatures. Confusion reigns supreme!

Bingo players had to “bag up” their many winnings after an enjoyable and sometimes hysterical session with James Walton calling those sought-after numbers. Humor is so important to our well-being, and after laughing and giggling through the entire episode of BINGO, we were all revitalized. A big “Thank You” to James for filling in for us last week!

When everybody gets into the dining hall, the noise level rises significantly as each table has its own conversations and animated tales to tell. Yep, it gets wonderfully loud with laughter galore. Talking above the din was often impossible. Getting everyone’s attention for silence before our premeal prayer used to be difficult, but no more. Our own Gib, that Gib Wright, brought me a dinner bell to ring! It works like a charm! Thanks to Gib for being such a good problem solver and for always having a huge smile that brightens our day.

New faces showed up at the Center last week. The Furr siblings come a couple of times a year for a bit of family fun and fellowship. They always grace us with their presence at lunchtime and share some of their family stories. Such wonderful people! Edward and Sylvia are blessed to have Franklin Furr and the sister, Thelma, and her spouse Thomas Cannon. The Cannons hail from Dumas and Franklin is from Indiana. They are always welcome to socialize with us at the Center and share “Santa-Clausing” and farming stories.

Edwana Fikes and Valorie Mahler have gone to the state golfing tournament. Those two have such fun sharing their common love for golf and slip off occasionally to drive and putt around at various locations. Great gals!

Give your moms a hug if possible. Hugs are so important! They get more and more important as we age. Gifts are nice but not important in the scheme of life, but those hugs are extremely important!! Don’t just give them on Mother’s Day, but every day! And always be kind that’s the best gift!