
Sr. Cub Center Chats


Well, hello March! Are you a lion or a lamb? Or, a combination of both? Ah, that is the question! February brought some ferocious lion traits of its own as it roared through amid strong winds and gripping cold, but then those mild, delicious days of warmth and sunshine would appear and dispel our fears about recurring bad weather days. Oh, how soon our fickle brains are tricked! It’s like those scam artists who try to trick us into believing that millions of dollars are waiting in a bank vault somewhere in some exotic country, just waiting for us to claim. What will be will be. Mother Nature and Father Time have been following their own agendas for eons; therefore, our suppositions or wishes mean nothing to them. The best philosophy is: wait and see. Lion or lamb?

Harbingers of spring have been sighted! So, yes, spring IS coming, according to those red-chested messengers, but crazy fluctuations in temperature don’t necessarily make it FEEL like spring! Yes, those pretty robins have come again. They hop around with their “in-charge” attitudes yanking those earthworms from the ground with great gusto and downing them with much satisfaction. Life is good!

Hopefully, the advent of spring will see an easing of those stomach bugs. So many people have been affected already, so they are more than ready for them to “hit the trail.” The Center’s clientele has also been affected, so we are also anxious for them to leave.

If you’ve driven around much lately, you have undoubtedly been greeted by the smell often associated with springtime here in and around Olney. The skunks have been quite active lately, if those carcasses littering our roadsides are any indication. Nothing is much more pungent than that smell on a foggy morning! Whew! It is certainly a sinus-opening experience! Happy trails to you!

Can you believe that southern California had a blizzard warning last week? Amazing, but higher elevations were expecting up to seven feet of snow! Blizzards are extremely dangerous! Our Midwestern and Eastern states are often gripped by such conditions and are forced to endure not only brutal cold but also power outages. Texas had a few days of outages last year when our power grid failed and it threw us into a tailspin. Considering the severity and long-term exposure of those northern states to such conditions, those people are tough!

With warm weather approaching, perhaps we can plan to be more active and get out to visit a bit more. You are welcome at the Cub Center. Share the warmth of our friendship. Y’all come!