Sr. Cub Center Chats

Sr. Cub Center Chats

In the blink of an eye yards were transformed from brown to green. A day, one day, after the rain and ‘poof ’ the green shoots sprung up. Amazing Mother Nature at work doing her magical things! These spring mornings bring such joy as birds tweet, chirp, and harmonize their voices to create masterpieces that rival those produced by Mozart himself. What a delightful way to begin the day! Those harbingers of spring, those red-chested robins, have been feasting on the smorgasbord of earthworms that the rain coaxed closer to the surface of the ground recently. Ahh, so much beauty to behold!

Speaking of beautiful things, the tribute to the Vietnam veterans was a beautiful thing. Those smiles, those glistening eyes, those heàds held high, those soldiers given the honor and respect they so richly deserved -- such a heartwarming tribute! The dining room at the Cub Center overflowed with hungry people. Hungry for recognition and respect, not just physical hunger.

The honorees hugged, shook hands, patted one another on the back, smiled and visited happily with PRIDE filled out hearts!

A special THANK YOU to Phyllis Whitsitt for her hard work and diligence in orchestrating and planning that March 29 fete to those veterans. What a wonderful job she did! What a passion for service! ACCOLADES!

What about that Greg Buenger?? He did such a great job entertaining those Vietnam vets at the tribute. Applause shook our windows following each of his songs. From Merle Haggard to Willie Nelson, and a little George Strait thrown into the mix among the many artists he highlighted as he belted out the tunes to the delight of his audience.

Thank you,Greg, for your service to our servicemen and women! Your talents were much appreciated by all! We appreciate you “Piano Man”!

Another person to thank is Jeffrey Pehl from Iowa Park, who represented the Vietnam War Commission in presenting each veteran with a special packet and commendation pin. His height matched his enthusiastic commendations. He is one tall dude!

Did you know that a hummingbird has a brain that is 4.2 percent of it’s total weight? That is the largest brain of any bird, proportionally speaking. Beauty and brains do go together!

April birthdays: Adam Kerry 4-7. Jan Gauger 4-8. Climmie Miller 4-15. James Coleman 4-17. Don WInwright 4-26. Lois Wilson 4-28.

A hearty welcome to Ione Morgan and son Johnny Robertson who joined us at the Center last week. New faces are always welcome.

Tired of cooking? Tired of washing dishes? Do we have a deal for you!! Come share a meal with us at the Center where there is no prep. and no washing dishes! Get outside and enjoy this beautiful sunshine. Take time to enjoy the flowers and trees as they bud out and bloom. The fruit trees are dressed in all their splendor and are absolutely beautiful! And don’t forget to spread your own brand of sunshine to all you meet. And above all, be kind!