I will set no worthless thing before my eyes; I hate the work of those who fall away; It shall not fasten its grip on me.

Psalm 101:3 NASBS

Beloved children of the most high King, The eternal God Who is enthroned above the heavens has summoned us into His courts through the death and resurrection of His beloved Son, Jesus Christ. He has bought us with a high price, and He has the furrows upon His back where the taskmasters whip tore through His flesh, to prove it. Yes, the one who was pinned to a tree and now holds the scepter of life, has called us to live out our faith in holiness in these last days here upon this earth. For the enemy, who prowls around like a lion, wants to infiltrate the ranks of the Christian church, and bring to ruin the children of God. It is here we must engage in the battle against the world’s affairs. Through the knowledge of the word of God we are to build up a resistance towards the perversion that has deceitfully destroyed our land. This narrow path that we are called to travel is not merely a decision that we choose to make, but it is an order that has been given to us from the Captain of our salvation, Jesus Christ.

Before David was about to be king, he made resolutions to himself concerning purity. So, before he ascended to the throne he said, “I will set no worthless thing before my eyes; I hate the work of those who fall away; It shall not fasten its grip on me.” David was known to be a man who was after God’s own heart. He was awakened by God to a high calling and was trained in the battlefield of his father’s land protecting sheep. It was in those sacred moments that David learned about the power of God and the frailty of his own human flesh. He learned to fight upon bended knees offering up prayers to His God from a heart longing for purity. His strength was not found in his own might, but in the power of God. So, he resolved to keep his eyes upon the God of Israel so that the attractions of this world would not hinder him from being a leader of Gods nation. Though King David is predominantly known during our time for his failures, do not be too quick to compare yourself to him until you have read the Psalms, which he wrote, showing his heart of repentance.

May we, as Christians, be compelled inwardly to set no worthless thing before our eyes that would hinder us from the obedience to God’s word. This is a great battle that we must fight daily, and it begins with our hearts postured with humility in holy prayer. This is a constant struggle and if we take off our battlements of armor and do not stand against the besetting sins that so easy entangle us, then we will become wounded on the battlefield of this life. Then Satan will open the flood gates of hell and try to destroy us before the eyes of the ungodly, seeking to render the gospel of Jesus Christ as worthless in the eyes of the world. The Lord’s plan cannot be thwarted my friend, but you can become a vessel that brings reproach upon our King, the one who was slain upon the cross for our transgressions. Please Christian, consider your ways lest your works in this lifetime become consumed in the fires of Gods judgement at the end of the age, when He will render to each one according to their deeds.