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Publisher’s Points to Ponder: Who moved my cheese... again?

Who moved my cheese?

I may have written about this topic at least a couple of times during the past three years I’ve been in Olney. Well, it’s because someone keeps moving my cheese!

“Who Moved My Cheese” is a book written by Spencer Johnson and it addresses ways to deal with change in your work life and in your personal life.

One of the quotes that resonates most with me during this read is “The quicker you let go of old cheese, the sooner you find new cheese.” If you’re going through similar changes, you’re spending too much time focusing on the way things were done, and you’ve become stagnant with your work performance or in your home life. I’m a stagnant vessel at work and at home, which is not necessarily a bad thing. However, stagnant behavior leads to complacency where you are unaware of the things taking place right under your nose. Good leadership requires environmental awareness, so stop focusing on the past; look forward to new changes that can make your life easier.

Many of us have accepted the fact that change is inevitable. I believe a good majority of people struggle with embracing change because we are afraid of “the next.” Our fears will not prevent change from occurring. Change happens regardless. We must ask ourselves are we going to slowly move forward with change while looking in the rear view mirror, or are we going to use our past experiences as a reference when boldly seeking that new piece of cheese that awaits us? It is incredibly difficult to see the new while looking back at the old.

I hope you wll consider journeying with me toward change (new cheese). Let me know what you’re experiencing and how you are dealing with it.