Publisher’s Points to Ponder in less than 200 Words

Publisher’s Points to Ponder in less than 200 Words

“Lessons in the Key of Life”

I had the privilege of spending time with Clifton and JoAn Key in their beautiful home. My visit allowed me to learn more about the family through heirlooms, such as the painting by Clifton Key’s mother. As the Keys shared memories, I was reminded about the importance of family ties. Another lesson that I didn’t realize was waiting for me around the corner.

Mrs. Key showed me a framed instruction guide to life—a collection of simple instructions to help us GPS our way through life—taken from a book by H. Jackson Brown, Jr. titled “Life’s Little Instruction Book,” recommendations to live a happy life. Somewhere in between “Never refuse homemade brownies” and “Wave at kids on school buses,” there was the instruction that stood out the most at that moment, “Focus on making things better; not bigger.” When I read that simple instruction, I belted out a sigh of relief with realizing that bigger is not always better.

Let’s shift our focus to improving the things that we have and the place where we are in life. This week, consider pondering on just accepting your current situation and making it better. Thanks for reminding me, Mrs. Key.